HOTEL - how to analyse life quality Welcome to HOTEL

how to analyse life quality


The project is entirely based on heuristic methods. Heuristic approaches are appropriate for analysing a relatively unstructured universe of activities that are neither strictly theory steered nor systematically knowledge- or rule based: Much work is unreflected routine, intuitive, steered by hidden agendas, following “private” hypotheses, done in the frame of certain schemes of distribution of power on the working place, etc... The internal logic of such a system can be made better transparent with the help of heuristic methods.

The method adopted for the data-gathering was the workshop, a heuristic approach to elaborate on a certain topic. In our case we wanted to deal with the concept of life quality in the traffic, mobility and city planning area. This choice is justified by the fact that, supported by the experience accumulated in the literature, a concept such as quality of life can be better apprehended through the interpenetrating of the opinions of different key actors within the framework of a “think tank” involving the participation of a large array of specialities. The goal is to cause the development of new ideas, the clarification of practice, and to make transparent the practices not structured consciously by discussions in meetings and by confrontation with questions, working methods or practices that are unusual and that can give new impulses. The workshops are structured in such a way that multiple feedback and interaction between participants, but also between the participants and the organisers are possible by alternating plenary sessions and small-group work

Small-group work in combination with plenary sessions seems suitable for the achievement of our objectives, as it is an interactive method which is very motivating for the participants, allows efficient work and topics can be dealt with in detail.